2018年5月10日下午3:00,四川大學beat3652018年度《化工學術(shù)大講堂》高端學術(shù)講座在望江校區(qū)正行樓313報告廳舉行。美國克拉克森大學(Clarkson University)的David Mitlin教授,為我校師生做了一場題為“Selenium impregnated monolithic carbons as free-standing cathodes for high volumetric energy lithium and sodium metal batteries”的精彩報告。此次學術(shù)報告由beat365博導儲偉教授主持,beat365、材料學院及新能源和低碳院等相關(guān)學院師生聆聽了本次報告。
David Miltin教授以能源短缺為背景,從材料設(shè)計、合成方法出發(fā),講解了高性能Se-C正極材料在Na-Se儲能電池中的相關(guān)研究進展。首先對比了Se-C正極材料與S-C正極材料的性能,然后以其課題組發(fā)表在Energy & Environmental Science (EES)、Advanced Energy Materials (AEM)等高影響期刊上的工作為例,詳細講解了對碳源前驅(qū)體的處理方法、Se-C復合方法對所得到的Se-C正極材料性能的影響,并且展望了高性能Se-C正極材料在高能量密度鈉離子電池中的巨大應用前景。報告引起了全場師生的濃厚興趣。
在報告問答環(huán)節(jié),儲偉教授和Mitlin教授鼓勵大家踴躍提問,David對在場師生的問題進行了詳細的解答。最后,大家?guī)е伎己褪斋@,以熱烈掌聲感謝David Mitlin教授的精彩學術(shù)報告。

圖為儲偉教授給David Mitlin教授授予學院化工大講堂證書
David Mitlin is a full Professor and General Electric Chair at Clarkson University, in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Prior to that, Dr. Mitlin was an Assistant, Associate and full Professor at the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Mitlin has published over one hundred thirty peer-reviewed journal articles on various aspects of energy storage and conversion materials. He holds five granted patents three of which are licensed, and has presented over one hundred invited, keynote or plenary talks. Dr. Mitlin is an Associate Editor for Sustainable Energy and Fuels, a Royal Society of Chemistry Journal focused on renewables. Dave received a Doctorate in Materials Science from U.C. Berkeley in 2000, M.S. from Penn State in 1996.
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